What is the Committee of Adjustment?
It is a Quasi-judicial body that adjudicates matters related to minor variances to Zoning by-laws and consents to severances of land (not a committee of Council), comprised of members of the community with a background and knowledge in Planning & Development:
- To hear and make decisions on Applications for “Minor Variances” – where a requirement of a Zoning By-law cannot be met (under Section 45 of the Planning Act). This includes applications which deal with the enlargement or extension of a building or structure that is legally non-conforming or for a change in conforming use.
- To hear and make decisions on Applications for Consent to “sever” a property or for any agreement, mortgage or lease that extends for 21 years or more (under Section 53 of the Planning Act).
Secretary Treasurer
Jess Smith
Mandi Pearson (alternate)
Trevor Benjamins, BAA, CPT
Senior Planner
County of Lambton
789 Broadway St, Wyoming
Town of Petrolia 411 Greenfield St., Petrolia
Office Phone: 519-882-2350
Les Whiting, Chair
Ron Young
Richard Poore
Shalen Hunter – Alternate
Staff Representative
Mike Thompson, Director of Operations
Mandi Pearson, Clerk
Schedule of Committee Hearing Dates and process deadlines:
Town of Petrolia – Application (Consent Severance) FILLABLE
Town of Petrolia – Application (Minor Variance) FILLABLE
Please forward completed application or inquiries to Mandi Pearson.
Current Applications
All applications are heard at Victoria Hall (411 Greenfield Street, Petrolia) in Council Chambers beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Please see the Meeting Agenda and Minutes area of our website for detailed notice and description.
Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) is an adjudicative tribunal that hears cases in relation to a range of land use matters, heritage conservation and municipal governance. Appeals that come before OLT are identified through policies found in the Planning Act, Aggregate Act, Heritage Act, Municipal Act, Development Charges Act and Expropriations Act. These include matters such as official plans, zoning by-laws, subdivision plans, consents and minor variances, land compensations, development charges, electoral ward boundaries, municipal finances, aggregate resources and other issues assigned by numerous Ontario statutes.
OLT is part of the Environment and Land Division (ELD) of Tribunals Ontario. Tribunals Ontario was established on January 1, 2019, bringing together three justice clusters that report to the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Fees Associated with appeals (payable by appelant)
Appeal Instructions & Form Links