

Council welcomes and encourages public input. A person may appear at a Council Meeting or an
Advisory Committee Meeting.

A person wishing to make a delegation/presentation shall submit a request
to the Town Clerk.

Delegation_Presentation_ Addressing Council Form

Some Guidelines for a Delegation/Presentation to Council

 Topic items can be anything that the person wishes to bring forward, but must be indicated in advance
through the form so that Council can be prepared for the discussion;
 Not on agenda until written information received, Delegates will be contacted by the Clerk to confirm
the date when the delegation will be heard;
 No delegation can address council on the same item more than once every three (3) months;
 Delegations will be limited three (3) per meeting, presentations are limited to two (2) per meeting;
 No group or delegation may appoint more than two persons to speak on their behalf;
 No person shall be permitted as a delegate to Council if the purpose of the delegation is to speak
o a tender or request for proposal which is either proposed, pending, or actually before Council or a
Committee of Council for its consideration;
o labour or staff relations;
o legal matters of any individual nature; including the enforcement of By-Laws, litigation and
potential litigation;
o insurance claims; or
o contract negotiations.

 Delegations shall be respectful; insulting expressions, profanity or offensive language are not
 Delegates cannot question the reputation of any individual member;
 Delegates may not disturb a Member, Staff or member of the public by engaging in any behaviour
which disrupts the order and decorum of the meeting;
 Delegates may only address members of Council, not staff; this is done through the head of council;
 Members of council may only ask questions of delegates through the head of council;
 No member of council shall enter into a debate with the delegation;
 The Clerk shall inform the person requesting the delegation written confirmation of the outcome of the
How to Delegate:
 Individuals are asked to step forward to the podium and state their name and provide their delegation
through the microphone or other means as applicable for accessibility purposes.
 Material relating to your delegation/presentation (when applicable) must be provided in an electronic format
with the completed Delegation Request Form. If you are unable to provide your material prior to the
distribution of the agenda, please bring the material with you and have 15 copies for distribution.
 The appropriate way to address The Mayor is as Your Worship or to preface their surname with Mayor, for
example, Mayor Jones
 The appropriate way to address Council is to preface their surname with Councillor, for example, Councillor
 All questions or comments shall be made through the Chair (Mayor).
 Delegates must provide a copy of their speaking notes and any additional information they present for
inclusion in the public record.
Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of
providing correspondence relating to matters before Council.
Please note that all meetings are open to the public except where permitted to be closed under legislated authority. Delegations, Presentations & Supporting documents will become record of the

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411 Greenfield Street, Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0 | TEL: (519)882-2350 |
The Corporation of the Town of Petrolia 2016 | PRIVACY POLICY
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