Please be advised that the Town of Petrolia Municipal Office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observation of Family Day.
After Hours contact: Water related Emergency, call 1-888-522-0117
Public Works Emergency (non-water), call 519-882-2351
General By-Law Enforcement, call 519-845-5420
Parking Enforcement, call 519-845-5420
Animal Control, JSG Animal Solutions, Jeff Dewhirst – Call/Text 519-312-1322 OR email
By-Law Concern Form:
General Online Resident Feedback
Council Meeting Full of 150 Recognitions on Monday Night in Petrolia
Council met in Petrolia on Monday evening and the meeting was full of recognition and celebration of the 150th anniversary of the municipality.
In addition to the regular business of Council, delegations were heard from area Mayor’s and Municipal representatives honouring the town’s sesquicentennial.
Deputy Mayor Netty McEwen and Chief Administrative Officer Adam Sobanski on behalf of Mayor Gary Atkinson, Council and Staff of Plympton-Wyoming presented the Town of Petrolia with a plaque with congratulations on a successful 150 celebration and cited their pride in being a neighbour.
Mayor Todd Case of Warwick Township brought a plaque from Council extending congratulations on the 150th milestone wishing the community continued success and prosperity.
Mayor/Deputy Warden Jeff Agar brought a plaque on behalf of St. Clair Township honouring the legacy of Petrolia.
Mayor R. Brad Loosley, and Petrolia 150 Chairperson Denise Thibeault were honoured to receive the recognitions on behalf of the community and thanked each Mayor for their gifts. A majority of the Petrolia 150 Volunteer Committee was in Council Chambers to pose for a photo with the mayors and representatives.
To add to the evening of recognitions, the Petrolia 150 Committee presented Heather Wright, Editor and Owner of The Petrolia and Central Lambton Independent newspaper with a gift of appreciation for her unwavering support of the Petrolia 150 activities, and for her generosity in providing advertising and her partnership with the committee in announcing some of the big events in 2024.
Chairperson of the Petrolia 150 Committee said, “Thank you for these recognitions, it means so much to our committee, and to Petrolia!”
Mayor R. Brad Loosley closed the last Council meeting scheduled for 2024 with a statement that included “…This Council and staff are so proud to have been a part of the history books as Petrolia turned 150, our community spirit, that shone with celebrating this milestone with hosting many 150 anniversary events, that were made possible though the dedication of a five-year commitment of our 150-anniversary committee…”.
The Petrolia 150 celebrations conclude with two community events. One, on December 31, 2024, at Greenwood Recreation Centre in Petrolia where there will be free public skating from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., free crafts and activities for families sponsored by Petrolia service clubs and organizations, free hot dogs and drinks sponsored by Ross and Cathy O’Hara, a DJ spinning some fun music to skate to, and finally a fireworks show in Greenwood Park at 8:00 p.m. Langs Bus Lines are sponsoring free shuttles starting at 3:45 p.m. and returning families home following the fireworks. The Committee would like to thank the additional sponsors for this event: Bourque Renovations, BMR PRO, Barb & Rick Charlebois, and Lambton College Community Employment Services.
January 1, 2025, marks the final event of the Petrolia 150 celebrations. At 11:00 a.m. outside of Victoria Hall, the youth mosaic mural will be unveiled to the community – a project that has nearly 400 uniquely painted tiles by the youth of Petrolia during the 150th year of celebrations. The ceremonial flag lowering will also take place, and the raising of the Petrolia flag will replace the 150 flag. All are welcome inside Victoria Hall following the event to partake in light refreshments and enjoy one more piece of birthday cake!

Successful Budget Deliberations in Petrolia – 3% Municipal Tax Rate Increase Proposed, 0% Variable Water Rate Increase Approved
Petrolia, ON – Petrolia Town Council deliberated the draft 2025 municipal budget yesterday. The proposed budget would see a proposed 3% increase to the Municipal tax rate, with a 3% increase in sewer costs, and a 0% increase to the variable water rates with a $15.00 fixed monthly rate.
The session concluded with Council providing direction to staff to amend the 2025 draft budget to reflect the following:
- Council directed staff to amend the fixed water rate to $15.00 and to proceed with a 0% increase to the variable water rate.
- Council approved a recommendation from the Scotiabank Committee that will see the Scotiabank property used for a retail/commercial rental space in the front half, and a community meeting room with a Petrolia memorabilia display in the back half of the facility. Council approved $65,000 in upgrades for the facility that include an accessible washroom, alarm system, and new side entrance door.
- Council directed staff to pay a stipend of $1,500.00 annually to Town Crier, Les Whiting, instead of responding to out-of-pocket expenses requests.
- Council directed staff to add an additional $500.00 to Council Donations for the Lambton County Seniors Committee to use as required for promotional materials and events.
- Council directed finance to look at seeking loan funding for construction of appropriate decontamination station and accessible washrooms in 2025 for the Fire Hall; and that the Fire Chief and Joint Fire Committee in preparation for the changes to legislation that will dictate the installation of proper decontamination station at the Fire Department return with a proposal, and that an agreement be established with the Township of Enniskillen to allow the Township the financial flexibility to re-pay their 40% over a reasonable period of time.
- Council directed staff to return to Council with a quote to rent decontamination showers to be located at the Fire Station in the interim.
- Council directed staff to take $250,000.00 from the Capital Reserve to extend road resurfacing and sidewalk replacements. Resurfacing work will now be completed on First Avenue from Petrolia Line to Garden Crescent (if possible), and on Pettibone Street. Sidewalk replacement will be completed on First Avenue and on Fifth and Third Streets between First and Fourth Streets.
A Motion was passed Regarding – Provincial OPP contract
Whereas municipalities across Ontario experienced as significant increase in the OPP provincial policing contracts expenses recently released The town of Petrolia would like to state our concern with the 21.5% increase to our municipality and this effect across the province; AND WHEREAS the provincial auditor stated the OPP do not have processes in places to deliver police services effectiveness and with NOW therefore THAT council send a letter to the Minster, Premier, MPP Bailey, and municipalities across Ontario to request that the province provide financial assistance to offset the large percentage increases that are difficult for small municipalities to adjust to each year.
The Proposed 2025 Fee Schedule was approved with the following amendments:
- THAT Schedule “D” – Greenwood Recreation Centre be increased by 3% from the 2024 fee and rounded to the next dollar.
- THAT Schedule “G” – Fire Department – inclusion of a line for “Lock Box” with a fee set for “at cost”. These will be installed at most Petrolia business’
Following the approval of the draft 2025 Budget, staff plan to proceed with several capital projects including:
- The resurfacing of First Avenue from Petrolia Line to Garden Crescent (if possible).
- New Dugouts at Diamond 1.
- Sidewalk program expenditures on First Avenue, Third and Fifth Streets between First Avenue and Fourth Street.
- Community recreation project amenities.
- New washrooms with decontamination showers at the Petrolia and North Enniskillen Fire Hall.
- Major construction on the Water Treatment Plant Intake will start in 2025.
Chief Administrative Officer/Treasurer, Rick Charlebois said, “Council reviewed the draft 2025 budget with staff, and I am very pleased with the process and what was accomplished for the future of Petrolia. Staff spend many hours preparing their best advice for Council, and I would like to thank them for their expertise.”
Mayor R. Brad Loosley was, “…pleased with the detailed information that staff prepared for Council’s consideration.” Mayor Loosley added, “I would like to thank Rick and his team for this comprehensive draft budget, and I would like to thank Council for their feedback and participation in the review process.”
A Public Budget Meeting is planned for Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in person at Victoria Hall Council Chambers, where all are welcome. The Public Meeting will feature a presentation by Chief Administrative Officer/Treasurer Rick Charlebois. Staff plan to bring the proposed 2025 budget to Council on December 9, 2024, at the Regular Meeting of Council.
Enbridge Gas teams up with Petrolia & North Enniskillen Fire Department to Reduce Fire and Carbon Monoxide Deaths through Safe Community Project Zero
PETROLIA, ON, November 21, 2024 – Today, Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) and Petrolia & North Enniskillen Fire Department announced they are working together to improve home safety and bring fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths down to zero.
Petrolia & North Enniskillen Fire Department received 114 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Safe Community Project Zero–a public education campaign with the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council (FMPFSC) that will provide more than 14,500 alarms to residents in 75 communities across Ontario.
This year, Enbridge Gas invested $450,000 in Safe Community Project Zero, and over the past 16 years, the program has provided more than 101,000 alarms to Ontario fire departments.
When properly installed and maintained, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms help provide the early warning to safely escape from a house fire or carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide is a toxic, odourless gas that is a by-product of incomplete combustion of many types of common fuels.
“The best way to reduce potential exposure to carbon monoxide is to properly maintain fuel-burning equipment,” says Spencer Pray, Senior Advisor, Municipal and Stakeholder Engagement, Enbridge Gas. “These alarms are a critical line of defense against carbon monoxide poisoning, known as ‘the silent killer’. We’re proud to support our communities, and raise awareness and help Ontarians implement these protection strategies.”
“Across Ontario there is a renewed focus on the importance of having working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home. The objective of Safe Community Project Zero is to deliver these alarms to areas where they are needed most,” says John McBeth, Acting Ontario Fire Marshal and Acting Chair of the FMPFSC. “It’s a program that helps fire departments educate their communities about the requirements to have working smoke alarms installed in all Ontario homes and for all Ontario homes to have a carbon monoxide alarm if they have a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage.”
“Smoke and CO
alarms are the first line of defense in fire escape planning. Properly installed
and maintained, they play
a vital role in reducing
fire related deaths,
injuries and property
damage,” says Fire Chief Rick Cousins.
About the Petrolia North Enniskillen Fire Department
The Petrolia North Enniskillen Fire Department has 30 dedicated volunteer firefighters and 12 active Support Operations Response Team members. PNEFD just celebrated its 150th anniversary this past July.
About the FMPFSC
The FMPFSC was established in 1993 with a mission to help create “a world where no one is hurt by fire.” Chaired by the Ontario Fire Marshal, the FMPFSC promotes fire prevention and public education through sponsorships and partnerships with various groups and individuals with an interest in public safety. Follow the FMPFSC on X @FMPFSC.
About Enbridge Gas
Enbridge Gas is Canada’s largest natural gas storage, transmission and distribution company based in Ontario, with 2023 marking its 175th anniversary of serving customers. The distribution business provides safe, affordable, reliable energy to about 3.9 million customers and is innovating to contribute to a lower-carbon energy future. The storage and transmission business offers a variety of storage and transportation services to customers at the Dawn Hub, the largest integrated underground storage facility in Canada and one of the largest in North America. Enbridge Gas is owned by Enbridge (ENB), a Canadian-based leader in energy transportation and distribution. Visit to learn more.

PNEFD Fire Chief Rick Cousins, Senior Advisor for Enbridge, Spencer Pray, Mayor of Petrolia, R. Brad Loosley
The Council of the Town of Petrolia approved a Pilot Program at a special meeting of council on Monday, July 29, that will see residents able to purchase reduced price swim passes. The Pilot Program that starts September 1, 2024, and runs through August 31, 2025, will see the following prices in place for residents:
Child Pass (0-12) no HST | 10 | $70 ($7 per visit) |
Individual Pass | 10 | $110 ($11 per visit) |
Senior (55+) Pass | 10 | $100 ($10 per visit) |
Household Pass | 10 | $225 ($22.50 per visit) |
The Pilot Program was added following resident feedback about the price of swimming and swimming lesson availability at the Petrolia YMCA. The Pilot will be assessed quarterly throughout the year.
To purchase the swim passes, residents can do so in person at the Petrolia Municipal Office starting September 3, 2024, and then between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for the remainder of the Pilot. Passes can also be purchased online by visiting starting September 1, 2024. The receipt is then shown at the Petrolia YMCA in exchange for the pass.
The passes are only redeemable at the Petrolia YMCA and are only available for purchase by Petrolia residents. Passes can be used for open swim, aquatics classes and lane swim, but cannot be used for swimming lessons. In addition to the Pilot Program for swim passes, the Petrolia YMCA will offer swimming lessons for non-members starting in the fall of 2024. Once Y Everything members have had the opportunity to register, non-members will be able to register for both group and private lessons at a later date. Group lessons will be $16.50 per lesson; private lesson pricing is coming soon. This is not part of the Pilot Program; it will become part of the regular Petrolia YMCA operations.
411 Greenfield Street, Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0 | TEL: (519)882-2350 |
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